Meet Michelle

Meet Michelle: The Creative Compass 🎨

Hey there! I’m Michelle, the heart and soul behind Cre8tive Collection. My journey? A wild mix of personal hurdles, soul-searching, and a lifelong affair with words. Rediscovering my poetry passion during tough times led to my first-ever poem collection “Through My Eyes“, a dream since I was 15.

Cre8tive Collection sprang from a simple idea: creativity’s better together. Alongside my buddy Lynn Ellyn (who I call my “hip sister” since we both had to have our hips replaced due to the same very rare disease), we’ve built a space for writers and creatives craving camaraderie, balance, and a touch of magic in their craft.

What’s my secret sauce? A quirky mix of life-organizing prowess, small biz savvy, and an empathy level that’s off the charts. We’re here to connect, inspire, and transform those creative dreams into dazzling realities. From laid-back hangouts to deep dives into your creative soul, we cater to all dreamers.

In search of a tribe that gets the highs and lows of creating? Yearning for a place that celebrates every victory and gives you that much-needed nudge? Welcome aboard! Cre8tive Collection is where we turn creative chaos into sheer brilliance, one step at a time.

meet lynn ellyn

The Creative Co-Pilot 🚀

Lynn Ellyn, the nurturing force behind Cre8tive Collection, has been on a creative odyssey from the get-go. With a dream to write etched in her heart since childhood, her journey through education and special education has woven a rich tapestry of experiences. Lynn Ellyn’s life story is a testament to the power of mentorship and the transformative magic of creative support.

Before the dawn of Cre8tive Collection, Lynn’s diverse career showcased her unwavering commitment to healing and expression. From guiding adolescents in psychiatric care to her whimsical dives into historical cosplay, Lynn’s path is marked by her ability to touch lives in multiple arenas, highlighting her versatile expertise.

Within the walls of Cre8tive Collection, Lynn transcends traditional roles to become an architect of transformative experiences. Whether it’s leading zoom calls, workshops, or crafting the renowned TimeFinder, she’s dedicated to amplifying writers’ productivity and ensuring every voice is heard.

Vision for the Future 🌟

Lynn’s approach, deeply rooted in authenticity and personal voice, champions a journey of self-discovery for every creative spirit she mentors. Envisioning Cre8tive Collection as a sanctuary for creatives, Lynn, alongside her beloved dragons and fairies, aspires to foster a community where inspiration and affirmation flourish. Her Texas-sized resilience and compassionate mentoring make her not just a guide but a true companion on the creative journey.

Lynn’s story and vision encapsulate the essence of Cre8tive Collection—a place where every creative finds their tribe, voice, and path to flourish.